<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: RhinoCity > Trees > Tree library definition |
Tree library is defined by :
- Folders containing tree images
- An .xml definition file : TreeBillboardsLibrary.xml
Those elements are located inside the Rhinoceros sub-folder of "ProgramData". Typically :
Inside a library, trees are grouped by variety. By example : Birch, Hazel, Maple, Oak, Pine, Platanus : each group corresponds to a folder.
.XML file definition
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <RhinoCityTreeBillboardLibrary version="1.0"> <library name="RhinoCity" description="RhinoCity main billboards library"> <group id="BIRCH" name="Birch" path=".\Birch" WHRatio="1.0"> <item id="BIRCH01" name="Birch #1" file="Birch_2079x3249.png" family="deciduous" defHeight="4.0" defWidth="0.0" /> </group> <group id="HAZEL" name="Hazel" path=".\Hazel" WHRatio="1.0"> <item id="HAZEL01" name="Hazel #1" file="Hazel_1216x1600.png" family="deciduous" defHeight="3.0" defWidth="0.0" /> </group> <group id="MAPLE" name="Maple" path=".\Maple" WHRatio="1.0"> <item id="MAP01" name="Maple #1" description="Red maple" file="RedMaple_429x491.png" family="deciduous" defHeight="5.0" defWidth="0.0" /> </group> <group id="OAK" name="Oak" path=".\Oak" WHRatio="1.0"> <item id="OAK01" name="Oak #1" file="Oak_M_1530x1145.png" family="deciduous" defHeight="6.0" defWidth="0.0" /> <item id="OAK02" name="Oak #2" file="Oak_XL_1680x1419.png" family="deciduous" defHeight="8.0" defWidth="0.0" /> </group> <group id="PINE" name="Pine" path=".\Pine" WHRatio="1.0"> <item id="PINE01" name="Pine #1" file="Pine_1691x2000.png" family="resinous" defHeight="7.0" defWidth="0.0" /> </group> <group id="PLATANUS" name="Platanus" path=".\Platanus" WHRatio="1.0"> <item id="PLAT01" name="Platanus #1" file="Platanus_1227x1763.png" family="deciduous" defHeight="7.0" defWidth="0.0" /> </group> </library> <locale_1036> <group id="BIRCH" name="Bouleaux"> <item id="BIRCH01" name="Bouleau n°1" /> </group> <group id="HAZEL" name="Noisetiers"> <item id="HAZEL01" name="Noisetier n°1" /> </group> <group id="MAPLE" name="Hérables"> <item id="MAP01" name="Hérable n°1" description="Hérable rouge" /> </group> <group id="OAK" name="Chênes"> <item id="OAK01" name="Chêne n°1" /> <item id="OAK02" name="Chêne n°2" /> </group> <group id="PINE" name="Pins"> <item id="PINE01" name="Pin n°1" /> </group> <group id="PLATANUS" name="Platanes"> <item id="PLAT01" name="Platane n°1" /> </group> </locale_1036> </RhinoCityTreeBillboardLibrary> |
Group definition :
•id : group identifier
•name : group name
•path : relative path of the group folder
•WHRatio : Height / Width ratio. Used for item having defWidth=0.0 : when inserted, tree applied width will be defHeight x WHRatio
Tree item definition :
•id : tree identifier
•name : tree name
•file : billboard image name
•family : deciduous or resinous
•defHeight : default height. /!\ can not be 0.0
•defWidth : default width. Can be 0.0. In this case, the group WHRatio property will be used to determine width.
Optional way of translating group name and tree name :
locale_1036 stand for a french translation according the Windows regional and language settings :
1033 = English
1034 = Spanish
1035 = Finnish
1036 = French
1037 = Hebrew
1038 = Hungarian
1040 = Italian,
•id : group identifier as defined in <library\group>
•name : group name
•id : item identifier as defined in <library\group\item>
•name : tree name
Images are '.png' file having a transparent background.
When inserted, each billboard will be projected on 6 planes :