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Editing attribute panel
menu : RhinoCity \ SIG \ Afficher le panneau « Attributs » |
ligne de commande : RhinoDBPanelAttributsShow |
This command causes the "Attributes" panel to appear.
Like the standards panels of Rhinoceros ("Properties", "Layers", "Sun", etc.), the display of the "Attributes" panel is also possible by right-click in the area reserved for the panels tabs.
right-click then « Attributes » |
« Attributes » panel |
The display of the attributes of an object is automatic: the selection of an object in the drawing results in the display of its attribute values and its deselection hides this display.
Selection of multiple objects is possible.
The number of selected objects is displayed to the left of the scroll buttons: |
These buttons scroll through the attribute values of the individual objects.
Depending on the origin layers of the objects, two situations can be envisaged:
1)the set of selected objects belong to the same layer and therefore to the same feature class. In this case the list of feature classes contains only one feature class:
2)the selected objects come from different layers: in this case the list of feature classes contains several classes, as in the example below:
Editing an attribute value is done directly in the grid either by double-clicking the value or by using the [F2] key to trigger editing.
By default, editing an attribute affects only the current object: the 'x' object on the selected 'n' objects.
Conversely, using the 'Edit multiple' button extends the modification of an attribute value to the set of attributes being selected. When the "Multiple Edit" mode is active, the scroll buttons are no longer usable, and the counter clearly reminds you that you are about to change the attribute values of multiple objects.
You will also notice that the grid displays the attribute values common to all the selected objects and displays the "varied" value for the values specific to each object.
« multiple » editing
Each attribute is preceded by a check box. This is used to activate the display of the attribute in the drawing. This display is made directly on the object, even when the object is a 3D object:
Only one of the attributes of a class can be displayed at a time.
The appearance of the texts displayed in the drawing can be defined. Use the button .
You will thus be able to select the properties of the texts:
editing text properties