Grid view

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Grid view

Grid view



menu :

RhinoCity \ SIG \ Afficher la grille « Attributs »

ligne de commande :



This command displays the attributes of objects in a class as a grid.


grid view of objects associated to the "Buildings" feature class

Selecting one or more objects in the drawing results in their selection in the grid, just as the selection of one or more lines in the grid results in the selection of the associated objects in the drawing.

The top of the grid shows the buttons:

oclip0058 select all: to select all the rows of the grid

oclip0059 invert selection: to invert the status of selected or unselected rows

oclip0060 deselect all: to deselect all the rows of the grid

oclip0061 zoom on the selection

oclip0062 fast filter : to select all the rows of the grid for wich the value of the currrent attribute is identical (the current attribute is the one for wich the corresponding column cointains a dotted highlighting

oclip0063 filtre : functionality being developed ...

The bottom of the grid contains a status bar displaying, in order:

the name of the displayed object class (here "Building"). By clicking on this name you can select another feature class to display in the grid.

the number of objects in the class

a "zoom" button with two states: active or inactive. If it is active, it is colored, otherwise, as here, it is gray. When the zoom is "active", selecting a line in the grid will automatically zoom to the selected object.



You can directly access the grid view of the objects of a class by right-clicking in the list of layers on the desired layer, selecting from the context menu "RhinoDB \ Show attribute values"