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Geometry : verify and edit geomtries
•Manually create a multipolygon : RcGeometryCreateSingleMultiPolygon
•Automatically create multipolygons : RcGeometryCreateMultiPolygons
•Find vertical polygons : RcGeometryVerifyVerticalPolygons
•Find duplicated polygons : RcGeometryVerifyDuplicate
•Check polygons orientation : RcGeometryPolygonsOrientation
•Split polygons by a curve : RcGeometrySplitPolygons
•Dissolve polygons : RcGeometryDissolvePolygons
•Round polygons coordinates : RcAlignCurvesToGrid
•Snap polygons : RcGeometrySnapPolygon
•Snap polygons "source/target" : RcGeometrySnapPolygonsSourceToTarget
•Verify coplanarity : RcVerifyPolygonCoplanarity
•Smart coplanarity maker : RcGeometryHealPolygons
•Check 3D volume : RcGeometryVerifyVolume
Tree "billboard" features
•Insert a tree manually : RcTreeCreateBillboardManually
•Insert trees from a ShapeFile : RcTreeCreateBillboardFromShapefile