Check the attribute schema of the objects of a feature class

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Check the attribute schema of the objects of a feature class




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RhinoCity \ SIG \ Outils \ Vérifier le schéma attributaire d’objets

ligne de commande :



This command allows :

oTo initialize the attributes of the objects of a feature class :

The attributes schema of the class will be applied to each of the objects that wuld not carry it. The "Default" value, if specified in the feature class definition, will be given to each of the attributes. If no "Default" value has been specified, the attribute will be assigned a value depending on its type : integer=0, real=0.0, string=<empty string>, and so on.


oTo control the attribute schema of the objects attached to a feature class

The use of this control tool may be necessary when objects from a layer associated with a feature class have been transferred to another layer associated with a feature class too. The original feature  class may not have the same number of attributes as the destination class. In this case, there may be missing attribute information or, on the contrary, there may be too many : this type of error will be corrected by this command.